
Collaborative acoustic telemetry networks are at larger spatial scales than is possible for individual projects, which often facilitates unforeseen discovery. ACT serves as a bridge to connect researchers, arrays, and tagged animals. With 1,030 actively deployed receiver stations in the ACT Network and many more in neighboring networks, tagged animals can be tracked at a continental scale. To enable this large-scale collaboration, members must agree to abide by the ACT User Agreement,  which prioritizes the protection of tag detections unless researchers choose to make their project public.


Members use templates to upload data to the database. The data are then quality controlled using standardized data practices and inconsistencies are flagged and relayed by the ACT Data Manager, Kim Richie. Data standardization and quality control minimizes error and streamlines analyses across the ACT community.


As a part of the ACT Network, verified members receive discounts on Innovasea equipment. Membership discounts are determined annually. Please contact us for more detail.

For more information about the ACT Network or to find out how to become a member, please contact [email protected]