ACT Database

The ACT Network uses a data portal called MATOS to submit data to the ACT database. The ACT database is a secure way to archive acoustic telemetry data and match detections between tag and array owners. This database is an  Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) affiliated node called the ACT_MATOS node, which facilitates interconnectivity between other OTN-compatible nodes, such as the  FACT Network and OTN.


In MATOS, each project contains a public facing webpage created by the researchers and project controls which allows the researchers to determine the visibility extent for their data. The individual researcher is in control of the level of information provided on the webpage regarding transmitters and arrays and is responsible for ensuring that their selection complies with the data policies associated with their projects. Researchers can maintain a level of involvement in the network that suits their needs and abilities, from sharing a range of tag IDs through full-on collaborations with other researchers. 

Quality controlled metadata such as animal and transmitter IDs, release dates and times, receiver array deployment locations and time frames, and raw receiver download files (.vrl format) are used to cross match detections between tag and array owners. To upload metadata to the network, members submit a standardized template with required fields (obtained from MATOS). After a researcher uploads their metadata and detection files to MATOS, the metadata are quality controlled through various standardization scripts to insure metadata integrity before they are uploaded to the interoperable ACT database.

Metadata Templates

These templates are designed to gather essential metadata from acoustic receivers and transmitter details for upload to the ACT Network database.

For more information about the ACT Network or to find out how to become a member, please contact [email protected]